Great Bridge Lodge No. 257, A.F. & A.M. Established 1930

Making Good Men Better

“An Everlasting Brotherhood”

Dear Esteemed Members of Great Bridge Lodge #257,

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, I am thrilled to share with you the exciting journey we are about to embark on together—cultivating "An Everlasting Brotherhood" within our esteemed community.

Our lodge has always been a beacon of unity, but now, we are taking deliberate steps to deepen the bonds of brotherhood and fellowship among us. Through thoughtful initiatives and inclusive engagement, we aim to create an environment where every member feels not just a part of the lodge, but truly valued, supported, and connected.

Regular gatherings, meaningful discussions, and collaborative activities will be the building blocks of this shared experience. We want to foster a culture of respect, camaraderie, and mutual understanding. Our goal is not only to strengthen our internal fabric but also to radiate the spirit of brotherhood outward, inviting others to join in our journey towards lasting kinship and shared purpose.

Together, we commit to building bridges that transcend time, enriching lives, and embodying the essence of "An Everlasting Brotherhood." Each one of you plays a crucial role in this endeavor, and your presence and participation are what will make our vision a reality.

Let's create a legacy that goes beyond meetings and rituals—a legacy of genuine connection, support, and camaraderie. Here's to a year of building bridges and forging bonds that stand the test of time.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Worshipful Master Ricky Light

Contact Us

Great Bridge Lodge No. 257 holds its stated communications on the fourth Wednesday of each month. We eat at 6:30pm and open lodge at 6:30pm. Our lodge room is on the second floor of the building and is accessible by stairwell or elevator. See our Calendar Of Events for other meetings and times.