Great Bridge Lodge 2015 History

2015 Lodge Officers

  • Ashley Martin


  • David Sawyer


  • Mark Dykes


  • Wesley Peoples


  • Mike Dykes


  • Brian Bell


  • Lester Ray Tysor


  • Chris Taylor


  • Joey Pocan


  • Billy Irving


  • Leon Stocks


  • Bill Duren


Great Bridge Lodge January 2015 Stated

Our Stewards put on a fine meal of beef brisket, green beans, corn and potatoes. Lodge was opened on January 28 at 7:30 PM with a better than average crowd. Thank you to all who came out and attended.

The lodge balloted on two petitions both of which were elected to receive the degrees in freemasonry.

Our maintenance Chairman, Mark Dykes, gave his report on the new ceiling in the lodge room, which looks amazing. He also brought up the fact that we have a problem with leaks because of the mortar and rusted lintels around the windows. The lodge voted to have the brick on the outside of the building repointed and new lintels installed to stop the leaking. It was also announced that the original sign for Great Bridge Lodge had been restored and hung up in the social hall for all to enjoy.

Brother Mike Dooley was examined in his Masters Catechism by Right Worshipful William Earl Irving. The lodge was satisfied with his proficiency and his certificate was ordered.

The guest speaker for the evening was Brother Sean Watterson who is the Development Officer for the Masonic Home of Virginia. He spoke about the Outreach program and how it was available to every mason in the State of Virginia.

Announcements were given and lodge was closed at 9:35PM.

Great Bridge Lodge February 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s February Stated Communication was held on February 25th at 7:30 PM. It was the official visit of the District Deputy Grand Master of the 36th Masonic District, Right Worshipful J. Leon Stocks. Brothers Mike Dykes and Brian Bell prepared the meal consisting of grilled barbeque chicken, butter beans, mashed potatoes and gravy and cake for desert.

There was a crowd of about 60 Brothers in attendance including four of the 36th District Worshipful Masters. Worshipful George Clifford Walton from Doric Lodge # 44, Worshipful William Miller Mutter from Lake Drummond Lodge #178, Worshipful James Richard Collins III from Indian River Lodge #252 and Worshipful Joel Thomas Bundy from South Norfolk Lodge #339. Thanks to all who came out in the inclement weather to participate.

The State and District 36 travelling gavels were presented to Worshipful William Miller Mutter of Lake Drummond Lodge No. 178 for having the most Brothers travelling with him. He gave a brief talk about how the gavels do work in getting Brothers to visit other lodges.

All announcements were made and the lodge was turned over to the District Deputy for his speech. Right Worshipful Stocks gave a brief history of the Grand Masters Masonic Pin and proceeded to talk about the many charities that Most Worshipful Reece Edward Carroll, Junior is supporting this year. The main charity being the Outreach Program for the Masonic Home of Virginia and how it is available to every Virginia Mason.

The lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 8:45PM.

Great Bridge Lodge March 2015 Stated 

Great Bridge Lodge’s March Stated Communication was held on March 25that 7:30 PM. Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the meal consisting of Ham, butter beans, mashed potatoes and gravy and cake for desert.

There was a crowd of about 60 Brothers in attendance including all of the 36th District Worshipful Masters. Worshipful George Clifford Walton from Doric Lodge # 44, Worshipful Donald Louis Groh from Berkley 167, Worshipful William Miller Mutter from Lake Drummond Lodge #178, Worshipful James Richard Collins III from Indian River Lodge #252 and Worshipful Joel Thomas Bundy from South Norfolk Lodge #339.

Worshipful Jesse James Parker Jr. gave an interesting Masonic moment on the history of Tobalcain.

Worshipful Mike Pelletier presented  Brother Joey Pocan with his certificate for completing his third correspondence course offered by the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

Worshipful Mike Pelletier and Worshipful Brian Martin presented Brother Kenny Letner with a plaque for his outstanding service to Great Bridge Lodge.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Right Worshipful Stephen Wayne McGowan who spoke about the principles of freemasonry and how we should apply them in our daily lives.

All announcements were made and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 8:45PM.

Great Bridge Lodge April 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s April Stated Communication was held on April 22nd at 7:30 PM. Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the meal.

There was a crowd of about 65 Brothers in attendance included four of the 36thDistrict Worshipful Masters. Worshipful George Clifford Walton from Doric Lodge # 44, Worshipful Donald Louis Groh from Berkley 167,  Worshipful James Richard Collins III from Indian River Lodge #252 and Worshipful Joel Thomas Bundy from South Norfolk Lodge #339.

Worshipful Mike Pelletier presented  Brother Joey Pocan with his certificate for completing his fourth correspondence course offered by the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

Worshipful Ted Ferrell presented Worshipful Brian Martin with a picture of the lodge that his dad had presented to Calvin Forehand in 1976 along with a picture of the lodge in 2015 representing the Masters theme for the year “Our Future Depends on Our Past.” These pictures will be displayed in the lodge room for everyone to enjoy.

The State and District Traveling Gavels were presented to Worshipful Donald Louis Groh from Berkley 167 for having the most brethren traveling with him.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Right Worshipful Edwin Clifton Whitlock who gave a great speech about choosing your path in life and Freemasonry.

All announcements were made and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 8:45PM.

Great Bridge Lodge May 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s May Stated Communication was Senior Wardens night and was held on May 27th at 7:30 PM. Brother Ashley Martin presided in the East and did a fantastic job. 

Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the meal.

There was a crowd of about 62 Brothers in attendance including three of the 36th District Worshipful Masters. Worshipful George Clifford Walton from Doric Lodge # 44, Worshipful William Miller Mutter From Lake Drummond Lodge # 178 and Worshipful Joel Thomas Bundy from South Norfolk Lodge #339.

Prior to opening lodge Mr. Parker A.C. Irving was presented a four year Grand Lodge Scholarship by Right Worshipful J. Leon Stocks. Mr. Irving’s family joined him in the East for pictures after the presentation.

The lodge voted on one petition.

Worshipful Buddy Whittington did a Bible presentation for the three Master Masons that were raised in Great Bridge Lodge in May.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Worshipful Stewart Swygert who spoke on the Masonic Home of Virginia.

All announcements were made and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 8:45PM.

Great Bridge Lodge June 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s June Stated Communication was held on June 24th at 7:30 PM. Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the meal. We had smoked chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and a salad.

There was a crowd of about 50 Brothers in attendance including four of the 36th District Worshipful Masters. Worshipful Donny Groh from Berkley Lodge # 167, Worshipful William Miller Mutter from Lake Drummond Lodge # 178, Worshipful James Richard Collins III from Indian River Lodge # 252 and Worshipful Joel Thomas Bundy from South Norfolk Lodge #339. Also in attendance was the Grand Senior Deacon, Right Worshipful Dr. E. Clifton Whitlock.

Brother Michael Cory Barnette was examined in his Master Mason Catechism by Worshipful Gary Williams. Brother Mike did a great job and his certificate was ordered.

Worshipful Buddy Whittington presented two fifty year Masonic pins. Brother Michael Cedrick Castello and Brother Ralph Coleman Kendrick, Jr. both received their fifty year pin, a certificate from The Grand Lodge of Virginia and their permanent dues card.

After the presentation, Brother Castello presented the lodge his family Masonic Bible that has been in his family for 80 years.

Right Worshipful J. Leon Stocks presented Brother James Howard Morris, Jr. with his twenty five year Masonic Pin.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Right Worshipful J. Leon Stocks who spoke about Saint John’s Day.

All introductions were made and announcements given and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 8:55PM.

Great Bridge Lodge July 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s July Stated Communication was held on July 22nd at 7:30 PM. Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the meal. We had hamburger steaks and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn and a salad.

There was a crowd of about 50 Brothers in attendance including four of the 36th District Worshipful Masters. Worshipful George Clifford Walton from Doric Lodge # 44, Worshipful William Miller Mutter from Lake Drummond Lodge # 178, Worshipful James Richard Collins III from Indian River Lodge # 252 and Worshipful Joel Thomas Bundy from South Norfolk Lodge #339. Also in attendance was the Grand Senior Deacon, Right Worshipful Dr. E. Clifton Whitlock.

Prior to opening lodge, Worshipful Jesse James Parker, Jr. presented two $500.00 scholarships on behalf of the Great Bridge Charity Fund. The recipients were Katie Tetterton and Milan Edwards.

One Petition was voted on and approved.

Brother Michael Cory Barnette was presented with his certificate by Worshipful Gary Williams for completing his Master Mason Catechism.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier who spoke about the importance of promoting our craft and giving people a better understanding of what we do and how we help the community.

All introductions were made and announcements given and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 9:05PM.

Great Bridge Lodge August 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s August Stated Communication was held on August 26th at 7:30 PM.

Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the meal.

There was a crowd of about 70 Brothers in attendance.

Visiting Worshipful Masters in attendance were Worshipful James Richard Collins III from Indian River 252, Worshipful Joel Thomas Bundy from South Norfolk 339 and Worshipful Danny Honaker from Ruth Lodge 89.

The Charter was draped in memory of Brother Jack Harrison Melton.

Brother Jason Robert Haney was balloted on and accepted for membership.

Right Worshipful Joseph Leon Stocks presented Brother Douglas Wayne Fuller and Brother Michael Scott Carry with their 25 year pins.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Worshipful Kyle William Strickland who gave a great speech on the importance of being active in your lodge.

All announcements were made and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 9:05PM.

Great Bridge Lodge September 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s September Stated Communication was Past Masters night and was held on September 23rd  at 7:30 PM.

Brother Pete Ewell cooked the steaks for us again this year. Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the sides.

There was a crowd of about 80 Brothers in attendance. The chairs were all occupied by Past Masters of Great Bridge Lodge.

The lineup was as follows:

  • Worshipful Master – Worshipful Donald McLaughlin – Past Master 1986.

  • Senior Warden – Worshipful Shelton Stroud – Past Master 1982.

  • Junior Warden – Worshipful Mike Pelletier – Past Master 2014.

  • Senior Deacon – Worshipful Ted Ferrell – Past Master  2009.

  • Junior Deacon – Worshipful Harry Townsend – Past Master 1988.

  • Treasurer – Right Worshipful Billy Irving – Past Master 1984 – DDGM 2000.

  • Secretary – Illustrious Right Worshipful Leon Stocks  Past Master 1991, 1999 – DDGM 2006, 2015.

  • Marshal – Worshipful Eddie Hodges – Past Master 1975.

  • Chaplain – Worshipful Buddy Whitington – Past Master 2004.

  • Tiler – Brother Bill Duren.

  • Steward – Gary Williams – Past Master 2012

  • Steward – Jerry Beecham – 2010

The petition for Mr. James Lee Ogborn, III was balloted on and approved. The application of Brother Joel Alexander Medlin was balloted on and approved.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Worshipful Tim Moran who spoke on being a dedicated mason.

All announcements were made and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 9:25PM.

Great Bridge Lodge October 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s October Stated Communication was Junior Wardens night and was held on October 25th  at 7:30 PM.

Brother David Sawyer sat in the East.

Brother Mike Dykes and Brother Brian Bell prepared the food.

There was a crowd of about 65 Brothers in attendance.

The petitions for Craig Estel Pope, Paul Allen Sobota, Jr. and William Joseph Burrell were balloted on and approved.

Worshipful Mike Pelletier examined Brother Lester Ray Tysor in his Master Masons Catechism.

Brother Heath Cutrell was presented with his name tag, apron, Bible and presentation volume.

All announcements were made and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 9:25PM.

Great Bridge Lodge November 2015 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s November Stated Communication was held on November 25th  at 7:30 PM.

Brother Lester Tysor prepared the meal.

There was a crowd of about 45 Brothers in attendance. It was a big crowd considering it was the night before Thanksgiving.

The Charter remained draped for Brother Cody Walden Radcliff and Brother Jerry Brouce Holden.

Worshipful Mike Pelletier presented Brother Lester Ray Tysor with his Master Masons Proficiency Certificate.

The petitions for Mr. Patrick Paul Sullivan and Mr. Richard Preston Light, Jr. were balloted on and approved.

Right Worshipful Billy Irving examined Brother Gary Warren Ward in his Master Masons Catechism.

Worshipful Mike Pelletier examined Brother Michael Gene Dykes in his Master Masons Catechism.

All announcements were made and the lodge was closed in Ancient Form and Harmony at 9:25PM.