Great Bridge Lodge 2018 History

Great Bridge Lodge January 2018 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s January Stated Communication was held on January 24, 2018, at 7:30 PM.

Worshipful Jesse Parker, Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of smothered pork chops with sides.

Special thanks to Brother Walter Riggs, Worshipful Bill Irving and Brother Daniel Ausley for stepping up when our Senior Stewart took ill.
There was a crowd of over 30 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter was undraped which had been draped in honor of Brother Ellsworth Wilson who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on November 28, 2017
A Lodge of Sorrows was opened.

The secretary’s desk was cleared, the bills were ordered paid.

Introductions were made.

The visiting Worshipful Masters Worshipful Jerry Snow of Lake Drummond # 178 and Worshipful Jeffrey Roland of South Norfolk 339 where introduced and brought to the east.

Rt. Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier was presented at the altar and brought to the east.
Worshipful Mark Kendrick Dykes was his own guest speaker for the evening. He outlined his plan for the year.

• He began with the outreach committee in which 20 brethren will be reaching out to the lodge members to make sure current information on file for contact is correct, to see if they have any needs that the lodge can help them with, and to generally keep in contact with the brethren.

• Charity work- to at least 12 times this year help with an area charity. We will be asking brethren to give some of their time to help a charity. Each line officer will head up a charity in which they ask members volunteer with them. We will proudly display our square and compass and let the community see the good Masons do in the community. We want to reflect our Masonic Light

• Start a building fund in which we can start setting money aside for projects and repairs to our building.

Worshipful Jerry Snow of Lake Drummond 178 accepted the DDGM’s traveling gavel for having the most members present.

The minutes were read and approved.

Announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge February 2018 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s February Stated Communication was held on February 28, 2018 at 7:30 PM.

Worshipful Jesse Parker, Brother Mario Monteiro prepared a meal of pepper steak with potatoes.

There was a crowd of over 50 Brothers in attendance.

The lodge was opened.

The flag of our country was presented, and the pledge of allegiance made.

The Charter was draped in honor of Brother Kenneth Hobbs, Brother Harry Stewert, and Brother Gary Ward who all passed to the Celestial Lodge above in February.

Rt. Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier was presented at the altar by a committee of Rt. Worshipful Billy Irving and Rt Worshipful Leon Stocks and brought to the east on the occasion of his official visit.

The secretary’s desk was cleared, the bills were ordered paid.

We had a first reading for Mr. Chuck Lawrence.

Brothers Ricky Light and Toby Davis received their LMIP’s.

Brother Mario Monteiro received his Master Masons proficiency certificate.

Introductions were made.

 South Norfolk took the traveling gavel back home.

Announcements were made.

The Lodge was then turned over to the DDGM. Rt Worshipful Pelletier dedicated his talk to the Memory of Rt. Worshipful Jerry Walters. He then spoke on the working tools of Freemasonry and their symbolic importance in governing our lives.

The minutes were read and approved.

The lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge March 2018 Stated 

Great Bridge Lodge’s March Stated Communication was held on March 28, 2018, at 7:30 PM.

Rt. Worshipful Andy Anderson prepared a meal of corned beef and cabbage.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The lodge was opened.

The flag of our country was presented, and the pledge of allegiance made.

The Charter was undraped that was draped in honor of Brother Kenneth Hobbs, Brother Harry Stewert, and Brother Gary Ward who all passed to the Celestial Lodge above in February.

The secretary’s desk was cleared, the bills were ordered paid.

We had a first reading for Mr. Mike Canavan.

We had a second reading and voted favorably for Mr. Charles Lawrence to receive the degrees in Freemasonry.

Wor. Stewart Swygert our Masonic Home Ambassador was our speaker for the evening.

Wor. Ted Ferrell received his LMIP.

Brother Jay Horner stood his Master Mason’s catechism.

Introductions were made.

Announcements were made.

The minutes were read and approved.

The lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge April 2018 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s March Stated Communication was held on April 25, 2018, at 7:30 PM.

Which was the official visit of the Grand Master, Gary Wallace Taylor Grand Master of Masons in Virginia.

Brother Mike Dykes prepared a meal of Smoked chicken quarters. The stewards prepared sides and purchased a cake with the Grand Masters logo and theme on it. The Job’s daughters served the meal and did a great job as usual.

There was a crowd of over 55 Brothers in attendance.

The lodge was opened.

The flag of our country was presented, and the pledge of allegiance made.

The Charter was draped in honor of Brother Richard George who all passed to the Celestial Lodge above on April 8th.

A committee consisting of Rt Wor. Michael Pelletier, Rt Wor. William Irving, And Rt. Wor. Leon Stocks was appointed to wait on the Grand Master.  The Grand Master was presented at the alter asked to continue to the East and given Grand Honors. He then turned the lodge back over to the Master.

The secretary was told to clear his desk.

We had a first reading for Mr. John Brinn.

We had a second reading and voted favorably for Mr. Mike Canavan to receive the degrees in Freemasonry.

Bills were ordered paid.

Introductions were made.

Announcements were made.

The Grand Master made his remarks.

The Lodge was turned over to the Grand Master.

The reading of the minutes was dispensed with by the Grand Master.

The lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge May 2018 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s May Stated Communication was held on May 23, 2018, at 7:30 PM.


Worshipful Jesse Parker served a meal of fried chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The lodge was opened by Brother Wesley Peoples our Senior Warden.

The flag of our country was presented, and the pledge of allegiance made.

The Charter was undraped that was ordered to remain draped in honor of Brother Joseph Carlton Chamberlain Jr. who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on March 17, 2018.

The secretary’s desk was cleared, the bills were ordered paid.

We had a first reading for Mr. John Brinn.

Brother Al Ragas stood his Master Mason’s catechism and received certificates for all four of the Masonic education courses.

Wor. Ashley Martin was our speaker for the evening.

Brother Jay Horner received his certificate for standing his Master Mason’s catechism.

Introductions were made.

Rt. Wor. Andy Anderson presented Wor. Ashley Martin and Wor. David Sawyer with past master pins.

Rt. Wor Andy Anderson the presented Rt. Wor. Billy Irving and Rt. Wor. Leon Stocks with special pins Rt. Wor. Mike Pelletier was presented with a special water bottle.

Announcements were made.  The minutes were read and approved.

The lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge June 2018 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s June Stated Communication was held on June 27, 2018 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Mario Monteiro and Brother Chuck Lawrence served a meal lasagna.

There was a crowd of over 30 Brothers in attendance.

The lodge was opened.

The flag of our country was presented, and the pledge of allegiance made.

The Charter was undraped in honor of Brother Joseph Carlton Chamberlain Jr. who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on March 17,2018.

The secretary’s desk was cleared, the bills were ordered paid.

We had a first reading for Mr. Andrew Linton.

Wor. Ashley Martin spoke on clandestine lodges.

Wor Ashley Martin presented Brother Al Ragas with his Master Mason’s certificate from Grand Lodge.

Introductions were made.

Announcements were made.

The minutes were read and approved.

The lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge July 2018 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s June Stated Communication was held on July 25 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Mario Monteiro and Brother Chuck Lawrence served Beef and rice.

There was a crowd of over 30 Brothers in attendance.

Rt Wor. Pelletier presented Ms. Elizabeth Lucanon with a Grand Lodge scholarship before lodge was opened.

The lodge was opened.

The flag of our country was presented, and the pledge of allegiance made.

The secretary’s desk was cleared, the bills were ordered paid.

We had a first reading for Mr. Eric Callen.

We had a second reading and had a positive vote for Mr. Andrew Linton to receive the degrees in Free Masonry.

Wor. Ashley Martin spoke on Theodore Roosevelt.

Introductions were made.

Announcements were made.

Bro. Tim Conway presented proposed changes to the By-laws concerning dues and degree increases.

The minutes were read and approved.

The lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge October 2018 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s October Stated Communication was held on the 24th at 7:30 PM.

Junior Warden’s night.

Brother Mario Monteiro and Brother Chuck Lawrence served Steak tips over rice.

There was a crowd of over 35 Brothers in attendance.

The lodge was opened.

Brother Joey Pocan presided in the East.

The flag of our country was presented, and the pledge of allegiance made.

The secretary’s desk was cleared, the bills were ordered paid.

We had two first readings for membership.

We had a second reading and positive ballot for affiliation of Bro. Timothy Mellott.

We had a second reading and positive ballot for membership of Mr. Kevin Cooke.

Brother Bill Burrell spoke on being a new Mason and how a Lodge should be welcoming.

Introductions were made.

Announcements were made.

Rt. Wor. Mike Pelletier spoke for the last time in his Lodge as the District Deputy this year.

The lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.