Great Bridge Lodge 2008 History

 2008 Past Masters Night

Past Master’s night was a great time for all who attended. Our brethren from Hall Lodge in NC attended and we enjoyed their company.  Wor. Skip Bukowski organized this superb event and the following individuals were pleased to assist.  Thanks to Brother Pete Ewell for the fine job preparing the steaks. They were the Best!   We could not have had such a excellent event without our Eastern Star supporting the preparation of the rest of our dinning experience. We thank each of you for your efforts.   The Officers for the evening were as follows:

Master Rt.Wor. Leon Stocks (Pictured)
Senior Warden Rt.Wor. Benny Benson
Junior Warden Wor. Joe Taitano
Senior Warden Wor. Donald McLaughlin
Junior Warden Rt.Wor. Henry Parker
Treasurer Rt.Wor. Billy Irving
Secretary Rt.Wor. Cliff Whitlock
Tyler Wor. Skip Bukowski.

Traveling Gavels

As you may or may not know there were two traveling gavels in attendance on this night. We had obtained these gavels by attending South Norfolk Lodge No. 339 at their last stated meeting. Pictured at right with Worshipful Tim Moran are both gavels. Due to the visiting lodges we had in attendance both are now gone. The wooden plaque in Tim’s right hand was awarded to Worshipful Robert C. Wood of Hall Lodge No.53 as they had the largest number of members in attendance. We can get it back by loading the cars with Great Bridge masons this Wednesday and heading down to Hall for a great time. The Blue plaque in Tim’s left hand is our own 36th district traveling gavel. This was awarded to Worshipful Jeff Rowland and South Norfolk No.339 for their attendance for the evening. Thanks for coming out guys we always enjoy your presence. We can get them both back by going and enjoying a great evening with our brothers back at their lodges.

Masonic Home

Rt. Wor. Benny Benson at right receives an award from the Masonic Home for his continued Contributions to the Home. If you want to know more about the Masonic home you can ask Wor. Tim Moran, or Benny I am sure either would be glad to talk to you about it.

The Master Mason Catechism

Some that receive the Master Masons Degree never stand its catechism. It is something that is encouraged but not required of a master mason.

As a part of the stated meeting Coach and Past Master Shelton Stroud (at left) examined newly raised brother Richard Sanchez Jr. “Rick”(at right).

As a further treat Rick amazed the lodge by giving both sides of the catechism. That would include both questions and answers. I personally had enough trouble with just the answers, but like I said it was amazing.

Being Recognized for Standing the Master Mason Catechism

If one embarks on the challenge of being examined in on this degree, they are rewarded with a beautiful certificate from the Grand Lodge of Virginia indicating their proficiency of the three degrees.

Here brother Gary Williams (center) receives his certificate from the Grand Lodge with his coach Ted Ferrell (right) and Worshipful Tim Moran (left).

 2008 Widows Trip