Great Bridge Lodge 2016 History

Great Bridge Lodge January 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s January Stated Communication was held on January 27, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of smothered pork chops with sides.

There was a crowd of over 70 Brothers in attendance including visitors from District 35A and a visitor from Maine.

The Charter remained draped in honor of Brother Colon Hall Whitehurst who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on December 18, 2015.

The petitions for Mr. John Russell Cassevah, Mr. Kenneth William Guill, and Mr. Shaun Richard Petersen were balloted on and approved.

Right Worshipful William Earl Irving presented Brother Gary Warren Ward with his Master Masons Proficiency Certificate.

Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier was the speaker for the evening and spoke on the importance of the Investigation Committee.

Right Worshipful Frederick Thomas “Buddy” Whittington Sr. was introduced and spoke on the “7 Deadly Cynics”.

Announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge February 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s February Stated Communication was held on February 24, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of Fried Chicken with sides.

There was a crowd of over 90 Brothers in attendance for the Official Visit of RW Frederick T. “Buddy“ Whittington Sr., District Deputy Grand Master for the 36th Masonic District.

The Charter remained draped in honor of Brother Frederick Hillary Creekmore who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on January 30, 2016.

Petitions were read for three new candidates and were held over for one Masonic Month.

The Berkley “State” Traveling Gavel was presented to Victory Daylight Lodge #1778.

Worshipful Paul Alan Miller, Grand Provost, and Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier presented Brother David Sawyer with his Certificate of Completion of Correspondence Course #1.

Worshipful Stewart William Swygert, 36th District Masonic Home Ambassador, presented the Morlock Award to Great Bridge Masonic Lodge for the Masonic Year 2015. Worshipful Brian Keith Martin accepted the award on behalf of the lodge.

Right Worshipful William Earl Irving presented Brother David Earl Howell Jr. with his LMIP Certificate and Dues Card.

Right Worshipful William Earl Irving performed a 25 Year Presentation for Brother Charles O. Taylor and presented him with his 25 Year Masonic Veteran’s Pin.

 Right Worshipful Frederick Thomas “Buddy” Whittington Sr. performed a 50 Year Presentation for Worshipful Julian Edward Newbern and presented him with his 50 Year Masonic Veteran’s Pin, Certificate, and Dues Card.

Right Worshipful Frederick Thomas “Buddy” Whittington Sr. presented his program and assumed the “East” to close the lodge.

Announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge March 2016 Stated 

Great Bridge Lodge’s March Stated Communication was held on March 23, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of Sliced Ham with sides.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter remained draped in honor of Worshipful Douglas Harding Jones who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on March 5, 2016.

Petitions were read for one new candidate and were held over for one Masonic Month.

The petitions for Mr. Terry Motley, Mr. Christopher Lee, Mr. Jeffrey Sowers, and Mr. Sean Delaney were balloted on and approved.

Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier was nominated for and approved by vote of the lodge to be the 2018 District Deputy Grand Master Nominee from the 36th District. Worshipful Timothy Michael Moran was nominated for and approved by vote of the lodge to be the 2018 District Deputy Grand Master Nominee Alternate for the 36th District.

Right Worshipful Joseph Leon Stocks presented Worshipful Michael Ashley Martin with his LMIP Certificate and Dues Card.

Right Worshipful Frederick Thomas “Buddy” Whittington Sr. presented the 2015 Noah Hillman Award to Worshipful Brian Keith Martin who received it on behalf of Great Bridge Lodge.

Brother Timothy Conway, District 36 Blood Coordinator, presented the 2015 Seymour Jonas Levy Blood Award to Worshipful Brian Keith Martin who received it on behalf of Great Bridge Lodge.

Worshipful Stewart William Swygert, 36th District Masonic Home Ambassador and guest speaker for the evening, spoke on the Masonic Outreach Program.

Announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge April 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s April Stated Communication was held on April 27, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of fried chicken with sides.

There was a crowd of over 30 Brothers in attendance for Senior Warden’s Night. Brother David Wendell Sawyer presided in the East.

The Charter remained draped in honor of Brother Grafton C. Nicholas who passed to the Celestial Lodge on April 6th, Brother Robert C. Ike Sr. who passed to the Celestial Lodge on April 9th, and Brother Garland L. Taylor who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on April 23, 2016.

Petitions were read for two new candidates and were held over for one Masonic Month.

The petition for Mr. Paul Kenneth Brown was balloted on and approved.

Worshipful Stephen Best, Past Master from Lake Drummond Lodge #178 was the guest speaker for the evening. He spoke on the subject of Freemasonry; A Way of Life.

The Worshipful Master placed his hat in the West and asked for contributions to be made in support of RW Kenneth Decker’s widow, Ursula. She is in dire straits and in need of help.

Announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge May 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s May Stated Communication was held on May 25, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of Swiss Chicken Breasts with sides.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter was undraped for the first time since September of 2015. It had been draped in honor of Brother Grafton C. Nicholas who passed to the Celestial Lodge on April 6th, Brother Robert C. Ike Sr. who passed to the Celestial Lodge on April 9th, and Brother Garland L. Taylor who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on April 23, 2016.

Rightt Worshipful E. Clifton Whitlock, Past DDGM from Lake Drummond Lodge #178 and Great Bridge Lodge #257 was the speaker for the evening. He spoke on the subject of “My Year”.

Petitions were read for two new candidates and were held over for one Masonic Month. A Petition for Membership was also read and held over for one Masonic Month.
The petitions for Mr. Thomas Edwin Adams and Mr. Jarred B. Keto were balloted on and approved.

Wor. John Conroy of Lake Drummond Lodge #178 showed up in force and captured the District 36 Traveling Gavel.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge June 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s June Stated Communication was held on June 22, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of Hamburger Steak with sides.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter was draped in honor of Brother Jerry Joe Bailey who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on June 2, 2016.

Petitions were read for three new candidates and were held over for one Masonic Month.

The petitions for Mr. Ryan Edwin Kilby and Mr.Steven Kenneth Elmore were balloted on and approved.

A petition for membership for Brother Alfred J. Ragas Jr. was balloted on and approved.

Brother William J. Burrell was escorted to the altar where his Master Mason’s Catechism was conducted by Worshipful Brian Keith Martin. His examination was approved by vote of the lodge and the Worshipful Master ordered for his Certificate to be ordered.

Brother Thomas Edward Broderick of Great Bridge Lodge #257 was the speaker for the evening. He spoke on the history of the Scottish Rite and of their philanthropical endeavors.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge July 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s July Stated Communication was held on July 27, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of Parmesan Chicken with sides.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter was undraped which had been draped in honor of Brother Jerry Joe Bailey who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on June 2, 2016.

A Petition was read for one new candidate and was held over for one Masonic Month.

The petitions for Mr. Jesse Ross Kennet, Mr. Gary Curtis Cole, and Mr. Christopher Brian Smith were balloted on and approved.

Brother Richard Preston Light Jr. was escorted to the altar where his Master Mason’s Catechism was conducted by Worshipful Donald Burton McLaughlin. His examination was approved by vote of the lodge and the Worshipful Master ordered for his Certificate to be ordered.

Right Worshipful Jeffrey Allen Rowland, District 36 VACHIP Director was the speaker for the evening. He spoke on the Masonic Child ID Program.

Worshipful James L. Harrison of Corinthian Lodge #266 was presented with the Berkley State Traveling Gavel. Corinthian Lodge had 11 Brothers in attendance. Great Bridge Lodge had captured the gavel from Owens Lodge #164 on July 14th.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge August 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s August Stated Communication was held on August 24, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

A meal of Worshipful Brian Martin’s BBQ Chicken and sides prepared by Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor was served by the young women of Jobs Daughter’s Bethel 37.

There was a crowd of 78 Brothers in attendance as Most Worshipful James Edward Litten, the 171st Grand Master of Masons in Virginia visited Great Bridge Lodge.

Most Worshipful Litten was presented by a Committee of Right Worshipful Frederick Thomas Whittington Sr., Right Worshipful William Earl Irving, and Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier.

The petition of Mr. Mario Joseph Monteiro was balloted on and approved.

Brother David Allan Sobota Jr. was escorted to the altar where his Master Mason’s Catechism was conducted by Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier. His examination was approved by vote of the lodge and the Worshipful Master ordered for his Certificate to be ordered.

Worshipful Mark Craig Barham of Berkley Lodge #167 was presented with the 36th District Traveling Gavel. Great Bridge Lodge had captured the gavel from Doric Lodge #44 on August 9th.

Most Worshipful Litten was presented a handcrafted “In God We Trust” sign made by brother O.T. Holton Jr.

Most Worshipful Litten then presented his program for the year, “Setting a Good Example”.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge September 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s September Stated Communication was held on September 21, 2016 at 7:30 PM. Worship Brian Keith Martin sat in the East for Past Master’s Night.

Brother Pete Ewell with assistance from the Stewards prepared a steak dinner with sides.

The following Past Masters filled the chairs:

  • Wor. Theodore Samuel Ferrell – Senior Warden

  • Wor. Gary Richard Williams – Junior Warden

  • Wor. Timothy Michael Moran – Senior Deacon

  • Wor. Jesse James Parker Jr. – Junior Deacon

  • Rt. Wor. William Earl Irving – Treasurer

  • Rt. Wor. Joseph Leon Stocks – Secretary

  • Rt. Wor. Jerry Moore Walters Jr. – Chaplain

  • Wor. F. Shelton Stroud – Marshall

  • Wor. Donald Burton McLaughlin – Tiler

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter was draped in honor of Brother Frederick Christopher Chniel who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on September 19, 2016.

A Petition was read for one new candidate and was held over for one Masonic Month.

Brother John Russell Cassevah was escorted to the altar where his Master Mason’s Catechism was conducted by Right Worshipful Joseph Leon Stocks. His examination was approved by vote of the lodge and the Worshipful Master ordered for his Certificate to be ordered.

Brother David Sabota was escorted to the East where he was presented his Master Mason’s Proficiency Certificate by Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge October 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s October Stated Communication was held on October 26, 2016 at 7:30 PM. Brother Mark Kendrick Dykes sat in the East for Junior Warden’s Night.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. prepared a meal of Fried Chicken with sides.

Before the opening of lodge all brethren and guests convened upstairs where Worshipful Ashley Martin presented the 2016 Community Builders Award from Great Bridge Lodge to Mr. Kenneth William Grimes Jr.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter was undraped which had been draped in honor of Brother Frederick Christopher Chniel who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on September 10, 2016.

A Petition was read for one new candidate and was held over for one Masonic Month.

An Application for Reinstatement was read and held over for one Masonic Month

The petition for Mr. Oscar Thermal Holton IV was balloted on and approved.

Brother Christopher Ray Lee Jr. was escorted to the altar where his Master Mason’s Catechism was conducted by Brother Michael Cory barnette. His examination was approved by vote of the lodge and the Worshipful Master ordered for his Certificate to be ordered.

Right Worshipful William Earl Irving, District 36 DIW, and Worshipful Michael Anthony Pelletier, District 36 DEO, were the speakers for the evening. They spoke on the masonic ritual and etiquette.

Right Worshipful Frederick Thomas Whittington Sr., District Deputy Grand Master of the 36th District was escorted to the East where he delivered his Farewell Address for 2016.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge November 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s November Stated Communication was held on November 23, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Brother Brian King Bell Jr. and Brother Lester Ray Tysor prepared a meal of Stuffed Pork Loin with sides.

There was a crowd of over 40 Brothers in attendance.

Before the opening of lodge, all brethren and visitors convened upstairs for a Special Presentation made in honor of Worshipful Douglas Harding Jones. His widow, Mrs. Debbie Jones, presented the 36th District with 2 Computers to be used for Child ID Events. She also purchased a posthumous LMIP in Worshipful Doug’s honor. A Chair Plaque was presented and installed on Worshipful Doug’s favorite chair by the Brethren of Great Bridge Lodge.

The Charter was draped in honor of Brother Frank Moritz Jr. who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on November 15, 2016.

A petition for Mr. Brendan Jay Horner was balloted on and approved.

A Petition for Reinstatement for Brother Maurice Clifton was balloted on and approved.

Brother Thomas Edwin Adams was escorted to the altar where his Master Mason’s Catechism was conducted by Worshipful Willie Adams. His examination was approved by vote of the lodge and the Worshipful Master ordered for his Certificate to be ordered.

Right Worshipful Joseph Leon Stocks was the speaker for the evening. He spoke on the Masonic Child ID Program.

Brother Timothy Walton Conway IV was escorted to the East where he was presented with his LMIP Certificate, Pin, and Dues Card by Worshipful Ashley Martin.

Brother David Wendell Sawyer was escorted to the East where he was presented his Certificate of Completion of Correspondence Course #2 by Worshipful Michael Pelletier, District 36 DEO.

Brother John Russell Cassavah was escorted to the East where he was presented his Master Mason’s Certificate by his Coach, Right Worshipful J. Leon Stocks.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge December 2016 Stated

Great Bridge Lodge’s December Annual Stated Communication was held on December 21, 2016 at 5:30 PM.

There was a crowd of over 80 Brothers in attendance.

The Charter remained draped in remain draped in honor of Right Worshipful Henry George Parker, who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on November 30, 2016, and Brother Charles E. Lee, who passed to the Celestial Lodge above on Dec. 12, 2016.

2 Petitions for first reading were read and held over for one Masonic Month.

The Annual Reports of the Secretary, Trustees, and Audit Committee were given and approved.

The Ian M. Shipley award was presented to Brother Lester Ray Tysor.

The Lodge Memorial Service was held in honor of the 12 Brethren who passed to the Celestial Lodge above in 2016.

The craft was called to refreshment and had a fine Barbeque Dinner prepared by Wor. Kyle Strickland and Wor. Kenny Strickland.

Upon return to labor, the Annual Election of Officers was performed and Brother David Wendell Sawyer was elected as Worshipful Master Elect for 2017. All other Officers were elected and appointed.

Worshipful Ashley Martin gave his final words for 2016 and was presented with his Past Master’s Certificate, Badge, and Apron. Brother David Wendell Sawyer also presented him with a Past Master’s Plaque and with the Flag that flew over the lodge in 2016.

Worshipful Ashley Martin closed the Lodge of Sorrow.

Introductions and announcements were made and the lodge was closed in ancient form and harmony.

Great Bridge Lodge 2016 Breakfast Fundraiser

Great Bridge Masonic Lodge held its first Breakfast Fundraiser of the year on Saturday March 12th, and it was a huge success. A great time was had by all who attended. The event was headed by a Committee of Brother David Wendell Sawyer, Brother Mark Kendrick Dykes, and Brother Kenneth Arthur Letner. Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, sausage gravy and biscuits. Many thanks to the brethren of Great Bridge Lodge who made this event so successful and to all the brethren, family, and friends who stopped by to spend time with us.

Great Bridge Lodge 2016 36 District Blood Drive

Great Bridge Masonic Lodge held its first Breakfast Fundraiser of the year on Saturday March 12th, and it was a huge success. A great time was had by all who attended. The event was headed by a Committee of Brother David Wendell Sawyer, Brother Mark Kendrick Dykes, and Brother Kenneth Arthur Letner. Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, sausage gravy and biscuits. Many thanks to the brethren of Great Bridge Lodge who made this event so successful and to all the brethren, family, and friends who stopped by to spend time with us.

 Great Bridge Lodge 2016 Open Installation